Page name: RP Class! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-05 03:33:21
Last author: Dark Shiva
Owner: Dark Shiva
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Naruto:Konoha High

A squirrel ran by.Zim stared at it,bored out of her mind in the classroom.

Pyre yawned, resting her head on her desk. The class hasn't even started yet and she was already bored.

Zim blinked.She fell asleep on the desk.

Pyre sweat-dropped, "Geeze... Class is even started and you're already asleep..."

Zim opened her eyes and twitched."Its boring.."

"It's High School... What did you except?" Pyre smirked at her best friend.

Tsome walked into the classroom and sat in the back, sighing. "This is so boring... I hate school..."

Zim smiled and looked over at Tsome."Yo,ho."

"The sooner class is over the better..." Pyre sighed.

Tsome smiled. "I agree Pyre, and hello to you too Zim." she chuckled.

Zim made a fake salute to Tsome.

Keira'Don entered the classroom, bookbag slung onver his shoulder and glanced around, making no eyecontact with anyone but still gazed over them and blew stray black hairs from his face and past by them, sitting on the oppistie side of the class, the empty side, grunting a light 'hi' as he past, figuring it was meerly curtious.

Pyre smiled, "Hey Keira."

Pyre was the only one he ever bothered being polite with so he gave he a slight wave, absentmindedly.
He took out his notebook and textbook, ready to 'learn' or just stare at the pages, blankly untill the period ended.

Pyre sighed and rested her head on the desk, "Damn class just start already..."

Tsome smacked her head off the desk. She had fallen asleep sitting up. "owowowow!!"

"That was smooth." Pyre smirked.

Shino past by them all, taking a seat next to the three, but not saying anything, meerly adjusting his black sunglasses as the teached becan explaining some pointless information.

Tsome meeped. Hes scary...

Lee walked into the classroom and sat down. "I am ready to learn!"

KeiraD'on sent a glare twoards Lee, finding both him and his voice annoying.
"Did we ask if you were ready or anything..?" He frowned.

Lee ignored him, his words not bothering his usual determined mood.

Tsome chuckled. "Don't be so angry Keira."

"Leave Lee alone."Zim barked at Keira.She turned to Shino."Hey there,mystery boy..."

"Then tell him to shut up." Keir scoffed but sighed and slouched in his seat, raising his hand to answer a question the teacher asked.

Shino glanced at Zim, not moving his head but made no comment back, ignoring her own.

Zim made a puppy face and Shino."Meanie.You never say hi to me."She pouted and tapepd Lee's shoulder.

Iruka pointed to Keira."Yes?"

Lee looked at Iruka-sensai, ready to write down everything said.

Tsome yawned, not paying attention.

Zim tapped Lee's shoulder again."Heyy.."

Lee looked up at her. "Yes Zim-chan?"

Keira'Don answered, boredly.
"Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, Iruka-Sensei..." He yawned.

Shino once again stayed silent and turned his attention back to the teacher, listening to the lecture.

Pyre sighed, and lazily worte down notes on today's lecture. 'Boooored....'

In an attempt to hide the fact he was late, Trapper crawled threw a window at the back of the class and tiptoed towards his favourite desk.

"Trapper,you're late."Iruka growled."And that is correct,Keira."

Zim smiled and kissed Lee quickly.

"Miss Horgashi!"Iruka yelled.

"Ah,shut it."Zim barked.

Trapper let out a small meep and with a flash of movement was behind his desk. He knew he had a good reason for being late but... He sighed mentally, no use on getting attention drawn to yourself.

Iruka growled at Zim.He sighed."Mr.Izumei.Mind telling the class why you're late?"`

Trapper almost dropped the things he was taking out of his back pack at that moment. He stood up, could he really tell them the truth "I was detained.." he mumbled before sitting down hastily.

"Are you lieing..?"Iruka crossed his arms.

"No sir, I am not lying. I was in fact detained. That is why I am late." Trapper mumbled, fiddeling with something under the desk nervously.

"Alright."Iruka sighed.

Trapper bit his lip gently and looked up slightly, seeing if everyone else had been satisfied too.

Zim was trying not to fall over laughing.

Trapper blushed and looked at the floor, why was she laughing?

Zim jumped over to the seat next to Trapper

Trapper's eyes glazed over suddenly, thrusting something into his pocket so Zim couldn't see it.

Pyre rolled her eyes, "Dear lord..." and went back to listen to the lecture.

Zim smiled at Trapper.

Shikimaru walked in.

"You're la-"Iruka started.

"Awe shove a sock in it."Zim growled.

"Mis. Horogashi!"Iruka sighed and went on with the lecture.

Trapper blushed and stared blankly at Iruka, trying not to seem nervous that Zim was so close. He glanced sideways at her, smiling nervously.

Pyre looked around in the class and sweat-dropped. Less then half the class was here. A bouch of skippers...

Zim poked him."Hey whats wrong?It looks like you're about to piss yourself."

Naruto rushed in and tripped."Sorry sensei!!"

"...Just take a seat.."Iruka growled.

Naruto jumped to his seat next to Pyre.

"S-sorry" Trapper muttered, he sometimes stuttered when nervous "I-I just like p-privacy..."

"Too bad.This is high school.You don't get any."Zim laughed lightly.

Pyre passed Naruto a copy of her notes, "I just knew you would be late today." she whispered with a smirk.

Trapper blushed as he tugged a rubix cube out of his pocket, starting to clack it straight away "It helps me think..."

Naruto gave a idiotic grin."Thanks Pyre.I got stuck in my mesh shirt...again.."

"I could never figure those things out."

Trapper shifted slightly, a buckle was digging into his leg. "It's more of a passtime..." Trapper said, almost completing one side before suddenly stopping, then completely jumbling it up again.

"Heh.Lucky.I don't have the attention"Zim saw a butterfly outside the window."Ooo...Pretty..."

Trapper kept clacking, then there was a loud whirr. He spun the cube round and stared at a completed side "HELL!" he yelled, dropping the cube on a desk.

Pyre stiffled a laugh, "That dosn't surpise me Naruto." She blinked and looked back at Trapper after he yelled, "Ummm... you might want to hide that or else Iruka-Sensei will confiscate that!" She whispered gestured to his cube.

"DUCK!" Trapper yelled, hitting the floor. A bolt of lightening flashed across the room from the cube, striking inches from Iruka's hand and setting the blackboard frame on fire.

Pyre meeped in surpise, and quicky used her ice chakra to put out the flame.

Trapper peeked over the edge of the desk, grabbed the cube and clacked it madly, mixing the side up again. "s-s-s-s" he mumbled, barely getting the word out "Sorry."

Pyre huffed, putting on the last of the fire, "Geez put the whole classroom on fire next time why don't you?"

Trapper stared at the floor, face bright red and shaking slightly. He hadn't MEANT to set the place on fire. He hadn't MEANT to almost fry the teacher.

Pyre moaned, "Man you even scorched half my notes with that cube-thing!" she brushed the now ashy papers off her desk, and into a waste basket.

Iruka coughed and as he did a cloud of smoke came out. "Heeeeerh, why do you bring such a thing to class?!" He practically yelled.

"It helps me think..." Trapper said again, staring at the floor "It's fine so long as I stop myself before I complete a side."

"Like you did now?" Pyre frowned, "Nearly zapped all my notes..."

Iruka groaned as he rubbed his temple with his right hand. "Why do I always get the troublesome ones?"

Naruto blinked. "Hey! You're not including me in that are you?"

Iruka stared straightly at Naruto then yelled loudly. "You're one of the worst ones!!!"

Naruto covered his head with his hands. "Well I haven't set the class on fire yet....."

Iruka fumed. "No! But practically anything else!"

Pyre was muttered somthing about 'evil cubes' as she quicly reworte her notes, "Meh at least Naruto didn't zap you with a cube-thing, Sensei..."

"I'll just..." Trapper mumbled, hiding the cube away. He felt he had made a bad impression. Pyre probably hated him now, he'd gladly replace the notes.

"...Just keep that cube thing away from my notes and school work." Pyre muttered, finishing up rewitting the notes, only to have her pen run out of ink, "augh... Naruto do you have an xtra pen or pencil on you?"

Naruto blinked. "Huh? Oh yeah, got one somewhere here..." He dug down into his bag to search up a pen. "Here you go!" He said with a smile.

Iruka coughed to calm himself then smiled to Pyre. "That's true... Not yet anyway..." He stared halfways at Naruto.

Pyre smiled, "Thanks Naruto!" she took the pen and quickly finished her notes, "There finally!" Pyre looked around the class again, half the class was still not here, "Geez where is everyone? I know class sucks but come on..."

Iruka coughed loudly. "Oh really? Is that so?"

"Well it kinda seems that why with half the class... >_>" Pyre muttered.

Iruka growled then admitted defeat. "Gahh... Why do I always get the dropouts?" He wondered aloud to himself.

"Borning class subjects equals dropsouts." Pyre said while helping Naruto sort out the notes she gave him.

"Uhm.." A quiet voice said as a pink head popped her head around the doorframe of the class. Sakura held a file to herself tightly and she looked at the people. She recognised a few, but the face of Naruto told her that this was her class. She stepped inside.

Iruka smiled. "Aaahh!! Finally a good student! Welcome in Sakura."

Naruto turned around and waved. "Hello Sakura-Chan!"

Trapper coughed gently, noticing how Iruka ignored the fact she was late. He wasn't a drop out. Dont draw attention to yourself he thought.

Sakura smiled slightly at Naruto and shot a slight glance towards Trapper who she had never seen or met before. Sakura sighed a little and took a seat by herself at the back of the class.

Trapper caught her eye and blushed when she saw him, the more he tried to stay out of the way the more people NOTICED him.

Sasuke stepped into the room a few moments after. He glanced across the room, only really caring to see his own squad of Naruto and Sakura.

Iruka smiled. "Welcome in Sasuke."

Naruto turned around fast and sat with his arms across his chest. "Why did he have to come?"

"Because every class needs their share of emo." Pyre whispered to Naruto jokeningly.

Sakura's heart skipped a beat when she saw Sasuke. "Sasuke-kun!" She beamed, pulling out the chair next to her own, implying to him that he sit by her.

Choji came in threw the door, fishing inside a bag of chips as usual. He looked round and sat down next to Shikimaru.

Naruto blinked then laughed. "Ahahaha!! That's right!"

Pyre smiled and patted him on the head, "And besides I think you're way more fun then him or anyone in this whole school."

Naruto blushed and smiled. "Stop it, you're embarrassing me..." He poked his fingers together*

Pyre giggled and ruffled his hair, before paying attention to the lecture again.

Naruto blushed more and returned to look at the teacher with his tongue hanging out partially like a content dog or something like that.

Iruka's eye twitched. "Are you all ready so WE CAN BEGIN THIS COURSE?!" He shouted the last then coughed gently afterwards to calm himself.

Pyre held back a laugh, "Sorry Iruka-Sensei."

Iruka coughed and looked about. "So you're all ready then?"

Ino stepped in casually late, not holding anything useful to use in a classroom. She gave Sakura a sharp glare before taking a seat at the back of the classroom next to the window. Ino stared out of it, quite bored of being in the room with a bunch of weirdos already.

Pyre snickered, "And they just keep coming..."

Tsome woke up and yawned. "Wow... theres a lot more people in here..."

Naruto chuckled. "Yeah and welcome back to the living."

Iruka's left eye twitched as he looked at them all. "Are we soon done yet?"

Trapper leaned his head on his hands, they better start a real lesson soon. This was so BORING.

Sasuke sat next to Sakura, but didnt really look at her at all. "Iruka, hurry this up."

Pyre tried her best to hold her laughter in. Every time their sensei was about to teach, more students would just waltz right in. It starting to become too funny.

Iruka growled. "Hey! You came in late, don't you do that, it's enough that I got Naruto and them making trouble!"

Sasuke smirked. "No, shut up and teach."

Pyre now had her face buried in her arms on the desk, trying to muffle her laughter.

Tsome bit her lip to stiffle her laughter. B-e-a-utiful... she thought.

Lee sighed. Even he was starting to get bored with not learning anything.

Iruka fumed but stayed quiet then went over to his desk and grabbed his book. "Now everybody grab your books and turn it to page 28, chapter 3 then we'll start todays lesson with handseals and the significance of them."

"Most of the students are still not here..." Pyre snickered quietly as she got her book out, and turned to the need page, "Hey did you forget yours again Naruto?" she whispered.

Naruto blinked then a face of fear struck him as he started to franticly search his bag then he let out a breath of relief. "No, this time I remembered it on some strange event."

Pyre held back a laugh once again, "This day is just getting even more funnier by the second..."

Naruto smiled brightly. "Yeah, oh well..... Erh... Which page was it we were supposed to read?" He asked with a embarrassed smile and a sweatdrop.

Pyre rolled her eyes and ruffled his hair, "page 28, chapter 3 silly."

Naruto grinned. "Hehe, thanks." He then turned to the told page and read intently, once in a while rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully.

Iruka turned to his students. "Can anyone tell me why we have to do handseals for certain attacks?"

Trapper flicked his own book open and looked at the page. In a matter of seconds he was staring blankly at the wall behind Iruka. He knew all of this, he spent alot of times in books and his workshop.

Sakura was reading through her book silently, feeling a little hurt that her Sasuke hadn't even looked at her when he came in. She knew the answer, but didn't really want to speak up.

Ino on the other hand had not brought anything with her. She merely twisted her blond hair through her fingers, still staring out of the window. She had looked up though, when Sasuke entered, but scowled when he sat next to Sakura.

Trapper sighed and began to fiddle with the straps on his pants, he was getting rather bored with this. Pulling out a large folded piece of paper he put it out on the desk. He pulled out a pencil and opened the paper. The paper was covered with complicated diagrams, if anyone would look at it they wouldn't be able to understand a thing.

Iruka's eye twitched again as he started to tap his foot impatiently. "Well? Anyone?"

"Focus the chakra into a more defined shape" Trapper mumbled to himself, starting to scribble over the diagram "If you can train your mind right you can imagine the shapes without using your hands."

"Iruka,you smell like old cheese!"Zim yelled out.She was bored.

Trapper tried not to laugh, rubbing out a bit on the drawing. He really wished they would do something more challenging.

Iruka kept his calm then smiled and nodded to Trapper. "That's correct."

"That's how you can tell what's coming next. Other than them yelling the name REALLY loudly." Trapper mumbled "But you have to remember what each motion is."

"Oh please.." Ino groaned in a bored tone. There were always class know-it-alls. At least this time it wasn't Sakura.

Tsome had her head in her hands, her brain just all white and fuzzy. Nothing was processing through her head.

Lee wrote down notes, though he would probably never use them because of his Taijutsu.

Iruka is old cheese!!!"Zim threw a paper at Iruka.

Tsome tried not laughing, and in an attempt to stop herself, she leaned forward, but the table was a bit higher than she thought. She smacked her forehead. "Ow! Dangit!"

Trapper kept scribbling, sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth. "Comeon..." he grumbled, rubbing his head. He was drawing runes over the paper now, summoning runes.

Zim giggled.

Iruka sighed. "With these students how can any teacher enjoy teaching?"

Naruto looked a bit worried at Iruka. "I actually feel sorry for Iruka-sensei..."

"So?"Zim got up and walked to the door."I'm out ya'll.Peace!"

Tsome blinked. "Awww Zim, stay stay! It isnt That bad..."

Lee watched Zim walk to the door. "Don't leave Zim-chan!"

"I'm leaving cause this place is so boring!Also,I'm changing out of this stupid uniform."

"Awe come on Zim stay!" Pyre begged, "This class will be even more boring without my best bud to make me luagh!"

Zim smiled."Fine..."She made a handsign."Transform!"She turned into Iruka as a clown.

Kakashi was passing Iruka’s classroom when he spotted Zim’s transformation and stopped “not bad!” he looked over at the real Iruka “new teaching method?”

Pyre snickered, "If only it was... Class would be sooo more entertaining then."

Zim blinked at Kakashi.She made another handsign."Transform!"She turned into a naked Iruka.

Tsome grinned. "Transform." she said, transforming into Zim perfectly.

Lee just covered his eyes.

Kakashi blinked at Zim and sighed “another Naruto……perfect…” he shook his head and left the class while he pulled out a copy of Make-Out Paradise and began to read it as he continued down the hall.

Pyre had her head buried in her arms and book on the desk, her muffled laughed could be heard through out the class room.

"No Kakashi sensei...Don't goo!!"zim made a perfect impression of Iruka.

Sai was completely ignoring everything going on. He sat doodling thinking of new ways to make friends.

Kakashi slowly increased his pace to avoid turning around.

Zim formed back to normal and laughed.She looked over at Sai."PENIS!"

Without looking up sai responded like reflex. "i bet its bigger then Naruto's."

Less then a second later Pyre's fist connected with Sai's face, "DON'T TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT NARUTO YOU JERK!" She fumed.

Sai's expression didn't change. He wiped the blood away with the back of his hand. "Iv seen it, its tiny." Sai looked pyre up and down thinking of a nickname. He noted the multicolored hair. "Miss parrot"

"What are you? A fucking man stalker!?" Pyre cringed at the thought, then punched him again for the lame nickname, "LAME ASSWHOLE!" She calmly went back to her seat next to Naruto afterwards.

Naruto had been sitting clenching his hands trying to keep himself passive, so firmly that his nails had dug into his hands.

Finnaly Trapper was done. And luckily Sai had given him someone to test it on. Trapper bit his thumb, holding the scroll up so it faced Sai. He bit his thumb and smeared his blood onto the page. Several small puppet robots exploded from the page and began to visciously attack Sai.

Pyre smirked, "Robot puppets? Nice."

The robots ran back into the paper and Trapper hid it in a flash. "Damn, still not good enough." he said, looking at Sai's stripped frame. Sai was totally naked now "They went after the wrong things..."

Zim meeped.She made a handsign that pinned Pyre to the ceiling."Quit hitting people!"She ran to Sai and took off her kimono,revieling that she had a mesh under shirt and shorts.She put the kimono on Sai."Sorry about my friends...They can get abit angry sometimes..."

Hinata walked up.

Tsome blinked, just watching blankly.

Lee had left the room, the nakedness just seeming wrong to him.

Hinata blinked,"W-W-What's going on?"

"Sai was being mean so I... well my puppets... I think Iruka-sensai's brain has exploded" Trapper said, staring hard at the teacher who still hadn't moved.

Pyre did a handsign and freed herslef from the ceiling, landing on the ground with ease, "Dont. Do. That. Again. Zim." She in a chillingly calm voice and sat back down in her seat.

Zim glared at Pyre."I told you not to be mean,and you!"Zim growled at Trapper."No making people naked!"

Tsome blinked. "So? Having people naked is fun! Let everything freeeee!"

Trapper blushed "They kinda.. malfunctioned. They weren't meant to strip him completely naked."

"Meh."Zim rolled her eyes.She blinked."TSOME YOU PERV"

Hinata walked up next to Zim,"Hello."

"Embarrasment, thats a new feeling." Sais expression didnt flinch as he calmly drew himself another set of tight fitting black clothes on paper and they came to life. Pasiivly he put them on. "Thanks for the clothes Zim-chan but i have it covered.......covered a joke get it?" He gave his fake little smile. "By the way Naruto..Thats what a real penis looks like."

Sasuke gave a rather blank stare to Sai. "You are the weirdest little freak ever..."

"I agree." Pyre glared At Sai.

"Apparently i was good enough to take your spot on team Kekashi" Sai camly draws a picture of sasuke in oros clothes wearing a dunce cap.

Zim giggled and punched Sai's shoulder playfully."You're funny.Me and you will be good friends."She looked at Hinata."Sup."

Hinata smiled.

Sasuke glared. "Were you raped as a fricken child or what?"

Hinata looked at Sasuke,"Hello Sasuke."

Sasuke looked around. All his old friends were here yet he betrayed them all. Why was he here? "Oh....hi..."

Trapper waved shyly at Hinata, he kinda regretted stripping Sai now. Not the fact he HAD stripped him it was just now they had seen that he had something special up his sleeve.

"atcually no Sasuke-kun i was riped from my parents the moment i was born,raised in a military facility, trained to abolish m emtions and forced to kill to survive." Sai smiled again as if by sarcasm. "Thank you Zim-chan."

Pyre rolled her head and rested her head on the desk, "Sensei please continue, before I punch Mr.Manstalker again..."

Sakura had been silent throughout the whole 'disturbance' from the others. She rested her chin on her palm, staring out of the same window as Ino as she tapped the table with a pencil which was in her other hand.

Ino had been watching here and there, but wasn't really interested. All of the guys in the room were assholes in her opinion. Apart from Sasuke of course. The girls however didn't really seem much of a threat to her. Ino knew she was strong and clever. She didn't need anyone to tell her that since she knew it herself.

Tsome yawned boredly and poked Ino, who was sitting next to her.

Zim smiled at Sai and Hinata,then wrapped a hand around Sasuke's throat.

Trapper tapped Zim's arm gently "No killing your classmates" he said, hiding behind a book on symbols so she couldn't see his face.

Kankuro walked in,"Hey, whats the commotion?"

Tsome put her feet up on the table and leaned back. "Anything and EVERYTHING."

Kankuro sighed,"And Gaara made me come here too..."He says as he sits down,"So...whos the teach?"

Tsome looked over at him. "Iruka-sensai... who happens to be getting a little angry over there..." she chuckled.

Kankuro looked over and chuckled himself,"So it seems..."He said as he uses his chakra strings to pull a chair behind iruka.

Tenten rushed into the classroom. "PLEASE tell me I'm not late!"

Kankuro looked over,"I doubt it."

Tsome laughed. "Yeah, your late, but dont worry about it."

Tenten grinned widely, "Late first day. Man, my mom's gonna kill me!" She bowed, "My name is Tenten. Nice to meet you all!"

Tsome smirked. "My name is Tsome Uchiha."

Tenten grinned. "Hey Tsome! So what's the rules here? Can I just sit anywhere? And which one's the sensei?"

"You can sit anywhere and," she pointed to Iruka. "Thats the sensai."

"Huh? Oh Ok. Doesn't seem much." Tenten plonked himself in the desk behind Tsome. "So what's who and who's what's in this class?" Tenten slipped a little dagger into her hand and started carving her name into the old wooden desk.

Tsome shrugged. "I dunno... I've just been falling asleep cause its so boring..."

"Huh? Really?" She looked around at the general ruckus. "Alright then. Which one of these guys do you find cute?"

Tsome blushed brightly. "H-huh???"

Tenten leaned over the table, "C'mon! You can tell me! Point out one guy here you find... ya know... attractive~~"

Tsome scratched the back of her head. "I-I dont know..."

Kankuro chuckled at their conversation.

Tenten wiggled her eyebrows. "I promise I won't laugh~ Even if you say that guy with the caterpillar eyebrows. Or that guy with the purple facepaint."

Kankuro snorted as he was only using the purple under his eyes and on either side of his face, he had lost a bet with gaara so he had to go emo.

Tsome poked her fingers together. "I-i don' wan'na say..."

Shikimaru walked in boredly."Man..This is so troublesome."

Zim dropped Sasuke."Idiotic asswipe."

Tsome hid under the table quickly when Shikamaru walked in.

Kankuro noticed this and smiled,"Hey it Shikamaru?"He asked loud enough for every one to hear.

Instantly a hand was wrapped around Kankuro's throat."Shutit..."Zim whispered.

Tsome growled and stabbed him in the foot with her pencil. "Oh, there it is! I was looking for my p-pencil!"

A loud boom and a cloud of smoke appeared as kankuro subsutited out of Zim's grasp,"Hey...take it easy! it was a joke!"

Shikamaru anyone would like me.He looked at Tsome.

Zim glared and took out a kunai.

Tsome was blushing madly, looking for a pencil that didn't exist. I could kill Kankuro right now...

Kankuro's grin turned in to a frown at this,"So thats how it is huh? all right i thinks its time you met, Crow."He said as his puppet appeared and chakra strings connected him to it.

Zim grinned."Yay.I didn't have breakfast this morning."

Sai glanced at Tenten then started to doodle her figure. Is this what guys call an attractive girl? What is attractive anyway? "Hi im sai...maybe we can be freinds?....," Sai glanced at her hair, "Bon-bon?"

Tsome hit her head on the table. "Ow! DAMNIT!"

Zim looked at Sai."Someone has a crush."She mumbled to herself.Lucky TenTen...Gets a cutie instantly.She leaned over and whispered to Sai."Don't bother,she likes Neji."

Sasuke yawned. "Is anything going on in here?"

"Zim's trying to kill Kankaro" Trapper said lazily, reaching out one hand and tapping the kunai. After a few seconds it dripped to the floor in a stream of liquid metal, ending up as a small puddle.

Sai tilted his head towards Zim. "Whats "crush" and "like" mean?" He stared doodling Zim opening a portal to hell and releasing deamons on the earth. "Thats odd inspiration...maybe a foresight?"

Hinata looked at sai.

Zim looked at the drawing."Yep.That looks like one of my dreams...A crush is when you feel special emotions for someone.Like love.Liking a person is when you also feel special feelings for a perosn."

Trapper was slightly glad that noone had noticed him melting Zim's kunai as he looked at the drawing lazily "See anything for our future or do we all just get disembowled by the creatures from hell?"

"You get disembowled."zim smiled.She blinked."MY KUNAI!!"

Hinata looked at Zim.

"..." Tenten stared at the chaos that had all of a sudden crashed in around her and Tsome-chan. Bon-bon? She didn't look at the emotionless dude or she knew she would laugh out loud. How can anyone pull off such a dead straight face? She wiggled closer to Tsome-chan, "So you like him huh?" She gestured at Shikamaru. "Well he's OK I suppose but he seems a bit... Well... Not always up there you know? Oh by the way, who's Neji? I heard it mentioned just now." 

Trapper edged slightly over in his seat, trying to get away from Zim slightly so she didn't attack him for melting her kunai. This place was strange... maybe it had been better if he'd stayed home after all.

Kankuro watched this with a clueless expression and sat back down, "At least im being ignored now..."

Zim threw a kunai at Kakuro."Dont count on it,Kanky."

Ino glanced around her. "What a bunch of idiots." She said to herself quietly. She glanced at Sakura.

Sakura wasn't very talkative either. She decided to get out of her seat and leave the classroom. This wasn't her scene.

A second kunai hit Zim's in mid air. Trapper sighed as the two melted into more pools of metal onto the floor. Stop doing that.. he thought to himself. He looked round to Sakura leaving and sighed, he knew she was smart and had atleast wanted to talk to her... once.

Kankuor was pissed, so he launched a poision needle at Zim.

"Try that again and I wont save you" Trapper growled, tapping the needle out of the air with a second kunai. The needle melted again, joining the pool of metal on the floor which was slowly growing.

Zim growled."Stop interupting our fights!!"

Trapper sighed and leant on his hands "Fight outside, not in the classroom.."

Hinata was watching.

Sasuke looked amongst the idiocy. "Why isnt Iruka doing something.....?"

Tsome pointed over at Neji and got back up into her seat. She whispered just so Tenten could hear her. "You tell anyone I like him, and your dead..."

Pyre sighed. "Ugh stupid class end already!"

Hinata sighed.

Iruka sighed."Alright.Since this class is hard to handle,free period."

Zim grinned."Thank god."

Hinata smiled.

Trapper got up as everyone left, shuffling over to Iruka slowly as if not wanting to be noticed. "I.. uhhh... worked on this" he said, taking out a small yellow cube "It should be good enough to stun one person.. Looks like you'll need it more than me."

Iruka smiled."Aww.Why thank you Trapper.But its alright.Seeing as how Zim has taken a liking to you,you might need it."

Trapper almost spun around to stare at Zim "Ummm... Zim's the scary one who was trying to kill Kankaru right? I mean, we are thinking about the same Zim right?"

Iruka nodded."She acts like that sometimes when she wants to be your friend."

Trapper thought for a second before he dug in his pocket "I bet you that I'll still be alive by the end of the day" he said firmly "If she likes me as much as you say then there's a big chance you'd win."

Iruka smiled."Once you become friends she'll be fine with you.Why do you think shes so nice and loving with Sai?"

"Cause he makes her look normal?" Trapper said, thinking back to what little of Sai he had seen. Ok, he'd set the robots on Sai, he'd seen more than most people.

"No.Cause they are friends."Iruka tapped Trapper's nose and smiled."Now go on.Make friends with the crazt gi-I mean,Zim."

"My will is in the top right drawer of my work desk at home" Trapper said before he turned around and marched towards Zim as if he was heading towards his executioner.

Hinata walked up to zim.

Iruka smiled.

Zim yawnedand saw Hinata,but not Trapper.

Hinata looked down at the ground.

"Whats wrong Hianta?"Zim asked.

Hinata shook her head,"N-No."

Sai sneezed. Someone must be talking about me He drew up another kunia, waved his hand over the paper and it popped up. He handed it to Zim. "So Zim-chan, when do you plan on releasing deamons onto the earth?"

Hinata smiled

"This class is so weird..." Sasuke said to himself.

Hinata smiled,"Hello Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke yawned, starting to practice hand signs. "Hello Hinata-chan."

Hinata looked down at her feet,"Have you seen Naruto-kun?"

"He's here...." Sasuke grinned at a thought.

Hinata looked at Sasuke,"Where?"

"Hanging with that new Pyre girl over thare." He pointed to him.

Hinata's eyes flashed in anger as she walked up to Pyre and punched her into the wall,"HE'S MINE!"

"Holy...." Sasuke's eyes widened.

Trapper was finally about to speak when he saw Hinata walk over to Pyre and hit her. He stared at her for a second, then his eyes flashed to Zim and he slowly began to walk backwards away from her.

Kankuro chuckled,"Hey Pyre...everyone here knows that Hinata-chan has been after Naruto for years."

"Uh yeah I kinda figured that after that little out-burst of hers..." Pyre said as she dodged the punch from Hinata. She gave Hinata an anoyed look, "Ok two things cousin. One if you're going to punch someone make sure it's not someone who's also a Hyuuga. And second, me and Naruto are friends. And even if we're more then that, it's HIS choice not yours. Got it?" (Note to everyone: YES Pyre IS a Hyuuga! She just had her last name changed when she was little to procect her from the whole branch family thing!)

Kankuro laughed,"Hyuuga eh? I've always wanted to test my self against one..."

Trapper stopped a little way away from Zim, wary of more psyco woman action. Atleast he didn't have to worry about more than one girl liking him.

Tsome sighed and looked out the window. "Free periods are boring, but whatever..."

Ino raised an eyebrow at all of them. "Kids.." She said to herself.

Tsome looked over at Ino. She muttered something under her breath.

"What are you staring at?" Ino glared at Tsome when she caught her eye. Tsome might not have even been talking about her, but Ino had always jumped to conclusions quite quickly.

Tsome smirked and rolled her eyes. "Absolutely nothing." she said, putting emphasis on nothing.

Ino glared at her even more. She looked to Kankuro and then back to Tsome. Ino laughed a little, imagining something.

Tsome looked over at Sasuke, making sure her twin wasn't causing any trouble.

Zim still seemed completely oblivious on Trapper."Damn Hinata."She looked at Sai."Um..Tuesday I think."She joked and grinned.

Just then Trapper made himself known by tapping her on the back of the head "No" he said firmly "No freeing demons from hell... until friday atleast I want to defeat them then and then have my weekend free. If we defeat them on tuesday we'll just have to come back here again the next day."

Kankuro glared at Ino,"Bring it anytime, blondie."

Zim blinked."Where'd you come from?"

"You'll have to ask my uncle, he wouldn't tell me" Trapper said, grinning wickedly at Zim.

Zim blinked."You're not scary,you know."

Trapper seemed to deflate, pouting "I know, Im no good at being scary."

Zim patted his head."Tis kay."

Trapper blushed and looked down "Heh... maybe you could teach me?"

"Sure."Zim made the creepiest face ever.

Pyre yawned and boredom, "That's it I'm skipping..." She whispered to Naruto, "Wanna come along?"

"It's free period, how can you skip a free period?" Trapper asked, smiling at how Zim had promised to teach him how to be spooky.

"Just like this." Pyre walked out of the class.

Naruto blinked as he wakened up. "Huh? What? Hey! Pyre? Wait for me!" He jumped over the table and after her.

Pyre smirked, "Took ya long enough."

Naruto smiled. "You know me, I always fall asleep in his class."

Pyre snickered as they walked toward the hallways "Who wouldn't." (Okay skippers rp here --> RP Hallways!)

Zim roleld her eyes."That Py,for ya."She rolled her eyes to the back of her head.

Tsome sighed and stood up. "No use staying here... too boring... I'll be out in the courtyard..." (we have one of those, right?)

"Yeah, scary like that" Trapper said, waving his hand infront of Zim's eyes to check if she could see.

Zim grinned and bit Trapper's hand.

Trapper just stood there, a sweatdrop going down the side of his head "Jeese, what are you? A wolf?"

Zim let go and grinned idioticly."Nope.A monkey."

"Right..." Trapper gently poked her cheek "How are you a monkey?"

"Im a monkey demon."Zim said proudly.

Trapper blinked for a few seconds, then tapped Zim on the forehead "Silly."

"Im not kiddin'."Zim giggled.

Trapper shuffled his feet nervously "yeah, but you're still silly."

"I am?"Zim blinked.

"Ummmm... yes?" Trapper said, getting even more nervous. He wasn't used to people talking him this much, they usualy wandered off after a few moments "What do you want to do?"

Zim glomped him and sat on his shoulder.

"GAH!" Trapper yelled as he toppled over, Zim still sitting on his shoulders. He looked up at her, smiling even more nervously "I... uhh.. what are you doing?"

"Being my monkey self."Zim giggled.

Trapper closed his eyes, trying to tell himself this was all a wierd dream and class hadn't started yet "Could you do it without the climbing on my head?"

zim jumped off him."Sorry."

Trapper got up slowly, weary of Zim jumping on his again "What ELSE do you want to go do?"

Zim shrugged."I don't know."

"I spend all my time making stuff" Trapper said, staring at the floor "What do you do?"

"Train,be bored."zim yawned.

Tenten sighed and flopped onto the desk. Everyone was leaving the classroom now. Heh. She redid her buns out of habit then routinally materialized a weapon to polish. Maybe once she went through each one, class would start again. A free lesson is so boring if you don't really know anyone yet. She sighed again examining the kunai she was currently polishing. Where did Tsome chan go?

Iruka Umino groaned inwardly and turned to clean the blackboard. Giving them a free lesson was more for himself than for the students. They were particularily willsome today. He'll just pack for now and head for the library. Some well deserved peace and quiet before the chaos of the lunch room. The bell would be ringing at the end of this lesson anyway. Grabbing hold of his bag he walked out. This group had potential, talent and an annouying way of getting into trouble. Many of the children didn't even show up! He sighed. He needed to go grade those papers now...

Zim blinked."Hold on Trapper."She tackled Iruka before he left and gave him a kiss on the cheek."See ya uncle Iruka!"

Sai suddenly materilized from across the room behind Tenten. "Hi Bon-bon! So are weapons your hobby like drawing is to me?" Sai gave his copyright doopy smile.

Hinata was reading

Sasuke twitched. "HURRY UP BELL!!"

"Just skip class."Zim glared at Sasuke.

Iruka laughed and pushed Zim of him. "You really have to stop doing that in school Zim chan." He got up and picked up his bag from where it dropped. "If you need anything I'll be in the library." He smiled warmly at her before leaving.

"Bon-bon?" Tenten's eyebrow arched. She shrugged snapping her fingers and her weapons disappeared. "Weapons ka?" She shrugged. "I like them. Demo, for your sake. Please quit calling me 'Bon-bon'. My name is Tenten. Use that. What's yours?"

Trapper sidled up to Zim's side, even more nervous than before "You really like climbing on people dont you?"

Zim waved to her uncle and looked at trapper."Yupyup."

"When you said demon before" Trapper said carefully "Did you mean real demon?"

"Na.Just a halfbreed."Zim gave a thumbs up.

"Oh.." Trapper said gently, staring off into the middle distance. If only...

Zim looked at him."Whats wrong?"

Trapper shook his head and grinned "Nothing, Im ok" he said. He streached widely, his back cracking gently "What to do?"

"Stab something?"Zim blinked.

"Uhhhhhh, just make sure it's a dummy or something." Trapper said, staring at Zim nervously. SHe creeped him out.

"Me!"Zim grinned stupidly.

Trapper just stared at her. Then suddenly ran a hand over his own face. He let out a little sigh "Did you just ask me to stab you?"

Zim held out her arm."Pick a spot."

Trapper smacked her arm at the elbow, making the reflex react and jerk her arm back up "No, no stabbing. Not until training atleast."

Zim yelped and fell to the ground.

Trapper blinked for a second and picked her up "H-hey?" he said "What's wrong?"

Zim was whimpering and holding her arm.

"What's wrong?" Trapper asked, gently holding her wrist.

Zim twitched and growled.

Trapper shivered gently but didn't let go "What's wrong Zim?"

"You hurt my HAPPY SPOT!!"She yelled and held her arm.

Before Sai could answer Tenten noticed the commotion. She walked over curiously, "What's with all the yelling?"

"I think Im killing her" Trapper whimpered, letting go of Zim's arm "Im sorry Zim" he said. He turned and walked away slowly, shaking slightly.

Zim quickly jumped onto Sai's shoulder,her light weight not affecting him.She hissed at Trapper."MEANIE!"

Trapper sat down at his desk, shaking madly. Not here... not again he thought, staring at the floor.

im blinked and backflipped onto Trapper's desk,kissing his forehead.

Tenten blinked at the wierd couple of classmates. First day at school and she was late, some emotionless dude called her 'Bonbons' and her classmates seemto be insane. Tenten grinned, well at least she wouldn't be bored.

Trapper blinked up at her and blushed "Z-zim?" he said "What are you doing?"

"Thats how I say i forgive you."

Trapper blushed and buried his face against the desk infront of him "Im sorry I did that Zim.."

"Its Kay."

Tenten materialized a kunai to scratch at the desk again. She growled in frustration and happened to see Tsome in the Courtyard. Hmmmm, I wonder what she's doing? She slipped out the window to go see.

Trapper looked at her arm "Why did you ask me to stab you if you cant take being hit on your reflex muscle?"

The Vice Princalbe of the school, Shiva, walked by but stopped and looked into the class room. Most of the students were gone, and Ikura wasn't even there! She growled, "Where the HELL is your teacher!?" She demanded. Even if Iruka wasn't really needed, he should've just left the class. It was the perfect chance for students to skip.

Trapper gulped and thought for a second before diving out from his desk and transforming into Iruka "Over here" he said, stepping out from behind the desk.

Shiva gave him a cold glare that would put a chill up anyone's spin, "Do I look like a moron to you, Trapper?" She asked in a chillingly calm sweet voice... too sweet to be safe.

Trapper sighed and turned back "Hey, I was trying to get him out of trouble" he said, matching the stare without flinching.

"Iruka is a big boy. He dosn't need some student to save him." Shiva bend down to his level, looking straight into his eyes with her dark blue almost black piericng ones. And next time you get fresh with me, it will be 3 hrs of detention." With then she straighten out and flashed the entire class a smile, "Well, I'm off to get your sensei! Have fun." She then gave them all a spin chilling glare again, "And don't the rest of you even think of skipping..." She smiled again and left and heading towards the libary. She had a feeling that's where Iruka would be.

Trapper stared straight into Shiva's eyes, letting out a low growl as his eyes shone a bright grey. He shivered and covered is eyes, his hands shaking slightly "Yeah... yeah ok" he said, sitting down at his desk again "Whatever..."

Iruka jumped through a window looking harried. He glared mournfully at his class. "One of you guys, could have been kind enough to warn me, that in this school, even if you have a free lesson the teacher still had to supervise."

"I.. I tried faking to be you" Trapper said, stroking his hair back again "She didn't really beleive it."

Ear walked through the door and looked around the room for a moment." I take it this is where I am supposed to be?" He asked .

"Yes. Welcome to class. Take a seat while that demon woman herds everyone else in." Iruka smiled at Trapper, "I appreciate it Trapper kun. Although you should refrain from doing that, in the end it'll probably land on my head again." Iruka dumped the paper onto his table and slumping into the chair pulled out his pen. Damn all the other teachers anyway. His class was TOO big. Why don't the other teachers teach? Iruka can't keep an eye on everyone here...

Ear looked around the room for a moment and took a seat near the window.

"I heard that Iruka..." Shiva growled as she went by the classroom to find the remaining skippers.

Hinata walked up behind Shiva.

Shiva looked at her, "Get back to your class, kid."

Iruka still slightly afraid of his new vice principle, didn't jump to save Hinata. He had to wonder about her reaction though. It was a good time to get to know his students.

Sai handt flinched the entire time.

Tsome walked in with Tenten, her hands on the back of her head. "Well, at least its a bit more calm in here than it was before..." she sighed and walked over to Iruka. "You okay Sensai?"

Iruka smiled up at her, "I'm fine although, Tsome chan. Tenten chan. One usually uses the door when entering a class. Ah, just as well you came in through the door. Shiva san is haunting my doorway anyways... Take a seat while we wait for the bell Ok?"

Tsome smiled. "Alright." she said, walking over to a chair and sitting down. "Hey Tenten, wanna play a card game?"

"Sounds cool. I was about to suggest a dart game, but this is Ok as well." Tenten shrugged and pulled up a chair oppoiste Tsome straddling it.

Tsome smirked and pulled out a deck of cards.

Iruka winced at the mention of dart games but decided to bury himself into his papers. Damaged desks and properties can be dealt with later. These things needed to be handed in.

Sasuke raised his hand. "Im thirsty, can I get some water?"

Zim cracked her back,knuckles,and toes."Uncle Iruka,can we go for ramen later?"

Hinata looked at Shiva,"I'm suppossed to help Iruka with class."

"Whatever, just don't skip class." Shiva said. She then glared at Sakura and muttered somthing about pink being evil before leaving to find the rest of the skippers.

Iruka didn't even glance up from his paper, "No Sasuke kun, wait for lunch period, the bell is about to ring. Zim chan don't call me that in school, and what did I say about popping your bones? We'll go for Ramen after school. Hinata chan, please would you hand out the homework assignments to everyone?" He gestured at the other pile of papers.

Trapper shook his head and looked up, he'd been... preoccupied for the last couple of minutes. Looking round and seeing that everyone was still goofing off he reached down and dragged an enormous book out of his bag entitled The greating and summoning of scrolls: Make your own creature

Ino couldn't really be bothered sticking around in the classroom. Nothing big was happening, and it was just the usual talk of who liked who and 'Oh dear God I'll kill you if you tell anyone.' Ino tightened her ponytail and got up out of her seat. She used her foot to slide the chair under the desk and then walked clean out of the classroom and into the corridor.

Sakura however had disappeared out of sight into the school grounds for some fresh air.

Ear looked around the room at all the other students.

Zim whimpered."But Uncle Iruka!"

Iruka reluctantly looked up, "Zim chan, please. In school, it won't kill you to call me Iruka sensei.If you don't I'll transfer you to another class."

Tsome appeared behind Iruka and patted his shoulder. "Awww, dont be so uptight!"

Tenten looked up from her cards, "Tsome chan, do you have any kings?"

Smiling wearily at Tsome Iruka sighed, "This a pretty uptight class. I'm about the only teacher that takes his/her job seriously. Especially that Kakashi sensei. He doesn't even DO anything."

Tsome sighed and tossed Tenten her king. "Yeah, Kakashi-sensai is a bit... odd... but still, that doesn't mean hes not a good teacher." she grinned.

"I suppose. But it will be a relief when the bell goes." Iruka returned to his papers again.

"You have any 5's Tsome chan?"

Tsome walked over to Tenten. "Go fish."

"Gah!" Tenten growled to herself.

Tsome chuckled. "Got any threes?"

"You like Kakashi-sama."Zim grinned to her uncle."Eh, 'Iruka-sensei'?"

Iruka rubbed his scar absentmindedly, "I have no idea what you're talking about Zim chan. He is an insufferable, lazy assesd... I don't like him at all. He's intolerable."

Tenten reluctantly handed over two threes to Tsome. "Che, I can't believe I'm losing. I'm the queen of "Go Fish" where I come from."

Trapper was scratching things into the desk with a kunai now, his book open beside him so he could check it over and over. He hoped he didn't get in trouble for this but he'd run out of paper.

"Admitt it!You like Kakashi-sensei!"

Iruka mumbled under his breath about horrible students, "Like I said, I have no idea what you're talking about..." He paused to rub at his nose uncomfortably, "Anyways go back to your seat Zim chan."

"I am in my deat."Zim sat in her desk."Hey sensei,can I tranform into my syate where I have a tail?"

Trapper looked up at Zim and raised an eyebrow before flicking threw the book and stopping at a certain page. He began to scratch into the desk deeper and faster.

"No. If you feel such a need do so at Lunch. And Trapper kun, please don't damage the desks too much..." The srill bell went off and Iruka stood up in obvious relief. "Ah. Lunch. Now run along people, go have lunch."

"Shhh" Trapper said absentmindedly, not remembering he was talking to a teacher "Concentrating.."

Iruka closed his eyes as though he was trying to calm down. A vein on his forehead pulsed and his eyebrow twitched. And then in familiar explosive volume of his famous rage mode,"TRAPPER!"    
And a split secound later, Iruka's fist came crashing down, in Trapper kuns head's general direction, on the other side of the room.

Trapper yelp and jumped, the kunai slipped and cut a deep gash across his hand. He stared down at the blood splattered surface of the desk and whimpered "Uhhhh.. Iruka-sensei" he said carefully, back away from the desk "never do that again.. ever."

Iruka ran to Trapper's side and reached out to examine the cut, "How can you be so careless and drop a kunai like that? You dodged nicely but, I have to teach you to drop a Kunai properly, although you really should learn to hold onto it first. Hmmm, it doesn't seem too deep." He reached into his first aid bag that was ever present around his waist and produced bandages and anti-septic. "This will sting a bit..."

"SHUT UP AND MOVE!" Trapper yelled, pulling Iruka to the side as the desk top exploded into smoke.

"Oh for crying out loud. Will you quit moving around?" Iruka had wrapped Trapper's cut with the bandages when he was pulled to the side. "You didn't have to pull me so roughly. Do you think I wouldn't have recognised those signs? I am your teacher you know." Iruka sighed, "I'll have to inform the vice principle about this stupid incident. Go off to lunch, I'll clean this little mess up before the next lesson. Now shoo."

"Uhhhhh" Trapper said, looking over Iruka's shoulder. Where the desk had stood now was a three foot high machine. It looked like a shell with the rounded end pointed up. Every inch of metal was covered with spikes and Trapper knew there were compartments all over it "May I sugest we all run? You kinda made me bleed before I had a chance to put in how to control it."

"Trapper kun? May I suggest you go to lunch with all the other children? Don't worry, the hell I'm letting a machine ruin the school, I finally got into, and which Zim chan learns in. Besides it's been a while since I've stretched my muscles anyways." Iruka not quite kicked Trapper kun out of the class. Iruka flashed through a series of hand signs producing a long spear.

The machine's rounded top opened out quickly, a massive spiked ball on a long metal tail shooting out of the top and straight at Iruka.

A blur of red tackeld the metal ball onto the floor.It was,who other than,Zim."Don't worry uncle Iruka.I got it."

It was amazing that all the spikes missed Zim as she tackled it but it didn't stop the maching. After the first shock it began to shake the ball madly, trying to throw Zim off.

Zim kept her grip on the ball.She made a handsign with one hand."Consealment jutsu!"The ball was instantly frozen and a black blanket that looking like water.

The machine pulled itself to the ball and began to run itself towards Zim, trying to scewr her with the spikes on it's body.

Zim made the same handsign,putting the machine in the black blanket aswell.

The machine raised it's side panels, showing the inside which wasn't covered by blackness. Knifes and swords suddenly thrust out of the side panels, spinning round and round like a giant blender.

Zim ground.Smiling,she made another handsign."Void of darkness jutsu!!!"Suddenly,the machine dissappeared into her mind.

The machine seemed to fold in on itself, dissapearing into some strange vortex and into Zim's mind.

Iruka flicked his fingers and the spear disappeared. "Zim chan. Please stop calling me uncle on school grounds."

"Sorry un-I mean sensei.Force of habit."Zim smiled.She cringed and held her head."Ow..."

"Oh, all right. The bell went so off you go. I've got to put this class in order, clean it up and get a new desk. Ugh." Iruka shrugged, "Guess I won't get back to the library after all. And Zim chan, you know the Void of Darkness no jutsu, really strains you. You should go for a check up at the medical ward when you find some time, kay?"

"I'm not hungry.I'll help you clean this place up.And I'm fine.I've been through worse,remember?"Zim went quiet,putting desks back in order and remembering her parent's death.

"Hn..." Iruka studied her for a bit, then spontaneously hugged her. "Alrighto, let's get this place in order!" He rolled up his sleeves happily. He hesitated for a moment, "And to set things straight I do not like Kakashi sensei. On the contrary, I detest him."

That lightened her mood abit."Oh come on.You two look like best buddies!"Zim glmoped her uncle.

Shiva walked in and looked around, "So what's this about a killer robot...?" She asked with a raised eybrow.

Iruka untangled himself from Zim. "Just a little mess I had to take care of. I'm cleaning it up straight away Shiva sama."

Shiva nodded, "Ok whatever. Now to cacth those three barts..." She growled as she left to find Naruto, Pyre, and Kankuro.

Merc walked in."Now whats this I hear about Shiva giving trouble?"(Merc is the principle and owner of the scool.Shes young.28)

"I caught Naruto, Pyre, and Kankuro, skipping, Merc." Shiva explained. "If it's fine with you, I'm going to go back and get them."

"Konnichiwa Merc sama." Iruka went back to straightening desks taking the chance to hiss into his neices ear, "I hardly speak to the man. Besides I am heterosexual, so stop lumping me with guys you yaoi fan girl! Iruka noogied Zim fondly.

Zim giggled and squirmed."But yaoi is awesome!

Merc bowed her head to Iruka."No it is not okay Shiva.If the kids wana be idiots for the rest of their lives,let them.Besides,they're kids!Adorable,young energetic kids.Let them live and take the stick out of your ass!"She growled at the vice principal.

Zim blinked."Shes cool."

Shiva twicthed, "Adorable my ass..." She muttered as she left.

"I heard that!"Merc barked andleft.

"Yaoi is awesome?" Iruka shook his head sadly, "What am I going to do with you?" He took the remains of the exploded desk and threw them away. "So that was the principle..."

"Yep. You should marry her. She's single." Zim grinned.

A boy around the age of 17 walked up to the door, clucting a peice of paper. His dazzeling blue eyes were evtrancing. He brushed his sandy blonde hair from his eyes. "Um is this the right room...." He studied the paper closely, "Iruka-Sensei?"

Iruka ignored Zim. He pulled his shirt straight, "Yes? What can I do for you?"

"Um..yeah im the new transfer student from Chisiogakure, Justin Steelheart nakini." Justin held out his hand to his new sensei.

Iruka smiled and took his hand, "Welcome Justin kun. This class is very chaotic, but try settle down ok? Most of the children are outside as it's lunch, so you can go ahead outside for now."

"Thanks sensei." Justin turned heels and strolled out the door.

Iruka stretched languidly. He turned to his neice with a pained expression. "Now Zim chan, why do you keep trying to set me up with people? I am quite happy being alone so can you quit it please?"

"Lies!"Zim glomped him."You need someone to be all lovey dovey with!"

Iruka untangled himself again. "Fine then, my dear neice. If you're so desperate for me to be so lovey dovey with someone, I'll pick you! Hyaaah! Attack of the tickles!" He lunged at her, fingers outstretched mock-leer in place.

Ear shook his head and got up and headded off to the lunch room.

"NOOO!NOT THE TICKLE!!"Zim fell over into a giggling fit.

"Oh yes! It's The Tickle, and it's coming for ya! Aargh!" Iruka tickled her mercilessly.

Zim rolled around like a puppy,giggling uncontrollably."Forgive me!!!I do not mean to be a goofball!Stop I beg of you!!!"

Iruka paused, "Oh, alright. Well if you'll promise to quit trying to find me a significant other. Being with my family is more than enough for me, ok?" He stood up from his undignified position. "And for the record, I am starving, let's grab something to eat at the lunch room."

Zim whimpered."I just want yo0]u to be happy when Im away on misions."

"Zim chan..." Iruka ruffled her hair, "I'm always happy when I think of you, so you shouldn't ever worry, ok? So long you're safe and happy, then you'll know I'm happy too... Although I am a bit hungry. Shall we go now?"

Sasuke woke up from a terrible dream. "No more yoai fan girls!!!"

Zim smiled and nodded to her uncle.She looked at Sasuke."Im a yaoi dan girl!"

Sasuke began to shake and shiver. "Oh my God....Sombody help me!"

Hinata ran up,"What's wrong Sasuke-kun?"

"Hes scared of yaoi fan girls...By the way Sasuke,you and Naruto-kun make a good couple.."

Hinata looked at Zim,"Yaoi fan girls,what is Yaoi?"

"Guy on guy action."Zim grinned.

Hinata's face turned red,"Guy on g-g-guy?!"she gulped.

"Yup.Sasuke wants Naruto in his pants." Zim smirked.

Sasuke pointed at Zim. "Nuuuuuu! But yuri rules!"

Hinata looked at Sasuke,"What's Yuri?"

"Girl on girl action.And ya,Im bi,so I like it too,but still."

Sasuke glared. "Damn! I thought I threw her...."

"You can't embarrass me Sasuke."

Hinata turned redder,"G-G-G-irl on girl?!"

Zim nodded and put an arm around Hinata's shoulder."Yup.When you get more mature and meet that,one spencial guy,you'll have fantasies.Like I do."

Iruka unceremoniously plonked his hand on Zims head. "Zim chan. I'm glad you have your own sexuality, really I am. But I still don't want to know about it." He gripped her arm preparing to drag her to the lunchroom if he had too.

"Hinata you might not take to heart what Zim said..." Sasuke said, rather mentally violated.

Zim whimpered."But uncle!"

Hinata handded Zim a picture of Naruto and Sasuke kissing,"Is this Yaoi?"

"Hell yeah thats yaoi!!"

Hinata smiled,"Then I like Yaoi too."

"Zim chan..." Iruka's voice held a dangerous tone to it.

Hinata looked at Iruka.

Zim whimpered."Sorry uncle."She gave him the cutest face ever.

Hinata giggled

Iruka sighed in exasperation, "I don't know if you're a blessing or a curse sometimes. Now for the billionth time, shall we go eat?"

Hinata looked at Iruka,"May I come too?"

"No, now give me that clearly doctered , but very well done pic that somebody must have taken when me ant Naruto where younger." Sasuke said, glaring in spite.

Hinata looked at Sasuke,"No."she stuffed the picture in her shirt.

Zim nodded to her uncle."Yeah Hinata,you can come."She held out her hand to give her a highfive."You are my new best friend"She whispered.

Trapper walked in with Tsome by his side "If we did have a fight you would probably win outright" he mumbled "Im not very good in a fight..."

Tsome shrugged, "And im just lazy... so yeah..."

"Dont beleive that for a second" Trapper said, grinning widely at her "You're just like Shikamaru, you act all lazy but you're not."

Tsome rolled her eyes and yawned.

Shikamaru was asleep on his desk,drooling.

Tsome looked over at him and tried not to giggle, her face turning slightly red. hes so cute! she thought to herself.

Shika blinked and rubbed his eyes of the sleepyness."Neh?What about a chip?"

Sasuke rushed to Shikamaru. "Shikamaru help! They have yoai pics of us, all of us!"

Tsome sighed and walked over to her brother. "Sasuke, I'm sure its not THAT bad..."

Shika blinked."As long as its not degrading me,I'm fine..."

Tsome blinked. "Hey... when did you get here?" she asked, her oblivious self.

Shikamaru blinked."Ive been here the whole time..."

Tsome blushed lightly and scratched the back of her head. "Oh!"

Shikamaru blinked and fell back asleep.

Tsome bowed her head and sighed.

Trapper grinned, embarresed, and walked over to Zim "Hey..." he fiddled with a strap at the side of his trousers "What's going on?"

"Nothing."Zim grinned.

Trapper glared at her, not as if angry but trying to figure out why she was grinning. Slowly he turned to Hinata, raising an eyebrow at her as if saying "what? You too?"

"Trapper, steal the pic!" Sasuke yelled.

Zim meeped and scooped Hinata into her arms,running to the lunch room.

Trapper blinked, he didn't know what picture they were talking about but he took off anyway. He cantered after Zim, grinning widely.

Iruka sighed following after. "Yaoi pictures of all of us?"

Sasuke sighed heavily. "Yes.....that Zim girl is being such a bad influence on Konoha..."

Hinata squeled in shock as she was taken by Zim.

(plz go to the ohther class rp rooms if you play a student)

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2007-10-21 [Piercedskull]: I think Ima delete a few posts -.-

2007-10-21 [Yami]: I asked earlier but I don't think I got an answer, are the older people such as Kakashi and Orochimaru students or teachers?

2007-10-21 [Asalli_Angel]: I think they're teachers

2007-10-21 [Yami]: XD I wasn't sure how to start.

2007-10-21 [Dark Shiva]: Pierced plz talk to me before deleting anything plz XD Since we're both bosses it would be a good idea to agree on what should be deleted right? ^^;

2007-10-22 [Asalli_Angel]: what was deleted?

2007-10-22 [Hiro Kitaki]: lol...huge fight in the hallways!

2007-10-22 [Dark Shiva]: nothing was Asalli, I was just telling pierced to talk to me first if she planned to ^^

Lol oh yes.. more like running from cretian death but still funny xD

2007-10-22 [Hiro Kitaki]: yes...

2007-10-22 [Dark Shiva]: And Naruto is as clueless as ever XD

2007-10-22 [Hiro Kitaki]: yep.

2007-10-22 [Dark Shiva]: ...and being dragged xD

2007-10-22 [Hiro Kitaki]: yep.

2007-10-23 [Piercedskull]: *banging head against desks8

2007-10-23 [Asalli_Angel]: lol~

2007-10-23 [Earoluim]: what is going on?*points at the rp*

2007-10-23 [Asalli_Angel]: Uncle and neice goofing about.It's lunch time by the way~

2007-10-23 [Earoluim]: oh, so what dio we do in this rp then basically?

2007-10-23 [Asalli_Angel]: rp... No real point in it. Go to the lunch room. Most of the ppl are there.

2007-10-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Please take my new poll,<poll:75788>

2007-11-01 [Evolution X]: Hinata was stolen by Zim and carried into the lunch room

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